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Spezielle Äthertheorie
Roman Szostek & Karol Szostek
Theorie, die die Physik ändern wird
The Derivation of the General Form
of Kinematics with the Universal Reference System
Kinematics in the
Special Theory of Ether
(ausgestellt in Englisch und Russisch)
The Explanation of the Michelson-Morley Experiment Results by Means Universal Frame of Reference
Derivation method of numerous dynamics in the
Special Theory of Relativity
Dieser Artikel präsentiert den formalen Beweis, dass SRT eine falsche Theorie ist.
Derivation of all linear transformations that meet the results of Michelson-Morley’s experiment and discussion
of the relativity basics
This article explains what time means in kinematics theories and why c is not a limiting speed.
Explanation of what time in kinematics is and dispelling myths allegedly stemming from the Special Theory of Relativity
The original method of deriving transformations for kinematics with a universal reference system
The existence of a universal frame of reference, in which it propagates light, is still an unresolved problem of physics
The concept of a mechanical system for measuring the one-way speed of light
The photon pressure model explaining the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction is presented.
The original explanation of the
Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction
phenomenon - photon pressure model
Derivation of numerous dynamics of the Special Theory of Relativity for three spatial dimensions
Verwandte Themen
Gravitational waves in Newton’s gravitation and criticism of gravitational waves resulting from the
General Theory of Relativity (LIGO)
Buchfragmente auf Englisch
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Frühere Versionen
The Geometric Derivation
of the Transformation of Time and
Position Coordinates in STE
The Reference System in Cosmology and the Possible Modification of Lorentz Transformation (auf Russisch)
Properties of Kinematics with the Universal Frame of Reference

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